
Hello, I'm hector Domingo Orozco perez. 
I am an engineering and psychology mexican student interested in neuroscience research. My interests are rather diverse: auditory cognitive neuroscience, neuroengineering and art.
Linkedin profile



I've worked as freelancer on a number of projects: as a writer in a short film, as audio editor/audio designer in a marketing company and as soundman in a film. Also, I did a ProTools (210P) Certification at Audiograph, Santa Monica.


I presented, along some colleagues, a research project on the CIM14 (Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology) in Berlin, Germany. I worked as an undergraduate research trainee in Montreal during a five month internship under the supervision of Dr. Alexandre Lehmann. I worked in three projects, all related to cognitive neuroscience and EEG. 


I've worked in two different volunteering projects in two different comunnity centers: Centro Cultural Tetelpan and Centro Comunitario Delegación Álvaro Obregón. I taught english, mathematics, physics and computer and technology use to low-income families.


Music Production Engineering  (2011 - 2015)
Even though many people would think of this degree as "Audio engineering"​, it's more complex than that: we receive a proper engineering formation (calculus, physics, statistics, electronics, circuits...) which is combined with a basic music (composition, arrangement, music history) and music production (post-production, mixing, mastering) formation.
Bachelor in Psychology  (2013 - On-Going)
The bachelor degree is done online through the UNAM's SUAyED program



My mother tongue is spanish. I speak fluent english (111/120 TOEFL iBT) and french (Delf B2)


·Max MSP (Intermediate level)
·MATLAB (Intermediate level)
·ProTools (210P Certification)
·Sibelius (Intermediate level) 


I am a very fast learner and I really enjoy being challenged. I have a very developed logical-mathematical ingelligence, and I complement it with my creativity. I have a classical piano formation and I am a 3rd Dan black belt


The Effects of Binaural Auditory Stimulation in the Cerebral Activity of Young Population using Neurosky-brainwave device - CIM14 (2014)
We presented a small research project in the CIM14(Congress on interdisciplinary musicology) titled: The Effects of Binaural Auditory Stimulation in the Cerebral Activity of Young Adults using the Neurosky-brainwave device
Undergraduate Research Trainee - BRAMS (2015)
Under the supervision of Dr. Alexandre Lehmann I worked on three projects concerning cognitive neurosciences: synchronization between music rhythm and the cortex; the effect of a music therapy technique on physiological and cortical measurements; and the subjective and objective effects of binaural beats. Thanks to these, I developed research experience on the cognitive neuroscience domain.


Freelance - Soundman (2012)
As a Freelancer I worked as a soundman in the movie "Sólo después". 
Audio editor (2012-2013)
I worked as an audio editor for Alfonso Lugo (Audio post-production and marketing)
Freelance - SFX Designer
Spotlight hired me as a SFX designer for the video "Hip Hop Dance"
AudioGraph International (Summer, 2014)
Pro Tools Certification (210P) and Mixing Workshop under the instruction of José Chilitos Valenzuela